Count unique values among duplicates

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When one of these functions adds up the values in the array, the sum of all fractional numbers for each individual item always yields 1, no matter how many occurrences of that item exist in the list. How would you go about looking at a list of time stamps and id Numbers and filtering out the rows where the ID number and timestamps were duplicated? If Jennifer sold Product CC and Product BB and Laura also Product CC and Product BB, it will count only once.

That was a bit complicated, but with some help from this site Count unique distinct values that meet multiple criteria in excel Get Digital Help - Microsoft Exc… I got the formula working and entered it in column G. I want to count the column C i. Note: Do not select the row or column headers.

Count Unique Values in Excel Using COUNTIF Function - These are fed to FREQUENCY in the data array argument. I want to know if it is possible to write a formula to count the amount of submissions that are processed for certain document types.

How the formula works Working from the inside out, COUNTIF looks inside the data range and counts the number of times that each individual value appears in data. The result is an array of numbers that might look something like this: 3;3;3;2;2;3;3;3;2;2. After COUNTIF is finished the results are used as a divisor with 1 as the numerator. Values that appear in data once appear in the array as 1, but values that appear multiple times will appear as fractional values that correspond to the multiple. Finally, the SUMPRODUCT function sums all values in the array and returns the result. So this version of the formula won't throw an error when there are blank cells, but it will include blank cells in the count. This is a cool and elegant formula, but it calculates much more slowly than formulas that use FREQUENCY to count unique values. For larger data sets, you may want to switch to a formula based on the FREQUENCY function. Here's a formula for , and one for. Excel Formula Training Formulas are the key to getting things done in Excel. You'll also learn how to troubleshoot, trace errors, and fix problems.


Hello, Karolis, Would it be possible for you to send us a small sample workbook with your source data and the result you want to get. Now, I want to count the unique Degrees for cell G2, if there is 389841988 Company ID for First company in A and there is 2011 in Column B. Hope it is clear. With the extra column added, the data would look like this. How to count duplicate values in a column in Excel. What I really want to do is check an entire column in a table for values there is about 1000but as soon as i do this the returned value is zero.